
Cyber Security MONITORING and LOGGING Best Practice Guidance

Duration: 2022 – 2023
Call/Grant: National research project funded by the FFG in course of the KIRAS security research programme
Role: Contributor

Abstract: The aim of the project is to develop best practices for cyber security monitoring and logging based on known attack techniques (MITRE ATT&CK). The research question is therefore which data sources have to be analyzed with which methods (ranking) in order to identify the most relevant attack techniques with the economic use of resources. The results of the project should be best practice guidelines for the implementation of a monitoring strategy of SMEs and operators of essential services. The guidelines will be based on the known state of the art and the applicability of the results will be ensured by cross-validation with external stakeholders as well as applicants, authorities and experts from Legal aspects (data protection, labor law issues) are taken into account.